Friday 6 June 2014

Sick Day

Hope and Cameron made a five-year promise before college. Years pass and they never see each other again. But then one month before his planned wedding to Riley, Cameron looks outside and sees Hope in the pouring rain, watching him.

Now, three years later, Cam has one day – a sick day on this last Friday of summer – to convince the one woman whose very existence breaths life into his lungs, that sometimes love like theirs actually does exist, and it’s that kind of love that lives forever, no matter how hard you fight to forget about it and move on.

From the author of non friction and Hope, Sick Day follows one man’s day-long attempt to persuade the love of his life that sometimes it’s okay to break promises if it means keeping the ones that count.

My Review

5 Stars

Although Sick Day is a Stand alone, I would recommend  Hope before reading Sick Day,  so you have an understanding of the characters and their back story.

Sick Day.....oh my goodness, although dealing with cheating,
Morgan writes from the deeper side of it, the pure emotional need of the two people that were mean't to be together, but went on different journeys, met other people and didn't quite cut the tie that held them together. We get the angst side, but from the everyday, what we would do to grab those moments, when that tie is pulled again....even when grown adults and know the consequences. 

Morgan gives us real life with wrapped in a wonderful story packed with emotion. 

I don't know where Morgan gets his emotional tap from, but it is from the heart that is for sure. Reading parts of this were so emotional and that is what i want from a book, to connect with the characters and then to feel what a character feels, [i]Hope[/i] the novella did it, Sick Day....just did it.

My favourite parts / lines, there have been so many, but this one felt like a hug from a book........ 'Open your eyes' i hear her whisper... 

and my tears start flowing......

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